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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  February 10, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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on friday, an asteroid the size of half a football field will fly pretty doggone close to earth. i mean 17,000 miles. consider this your heads-up. nasa scientists say the object this size really hasn't come this close to earth ever. but don't let that worry you. relax. there's not a chance it will hit us. do you think they would really tell you if it would? that's it for me. cnn newsroom comes right now. have a great weekend. you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm brianna keilar for don lemon. the city of los angeles is offering a $1 million award to locate rogue cop christopher dorner. his burning truck was found in
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the area on thursday. dorner described as a trained assassin and is accused of three killings over the past week, including a policeman. a live report on the man hunt straight ahead. you're hearing that all over new england. people in the blizzard zone spending their sundays shoveling out, getting ready for tomorrow's commute. 300,000 homes are still without elected terrorist. we're live from the boston area in a few minutes on what promises to be a tough ride to and from work tomorrow. this just in. police may be closing in on the killers of a chicago team who performed at the inauguration of president obama a week before her death. investigators are now questioning two people in the killing of 15-year-old hadiya pendelton. joe paterno's family released a report absolving him the blame in the jerry sandusky
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sex abuse scandal. it was conducted by louie freeh was factually wrong. the university responded by saying people will draw their own conclusions and opinions from the facts outlined in the freeh report. and the family does not alter the conclusions he reached. could be a wild night in los angeles with electrifying performances and maybe some rule breakers. take a look there. the 55th annual grammy awards kick off in two hours. we'll be live from the red carpet in the lead up to the show with stars interviews and much more ahead. after eluding a massive dragnet the city of los angeles is counting on a large reward to capture a renegade ex cop
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accused of being on a killing spree. let's go straight to casey wian. >> they are clearly upping the ante in their search for christopher dorner. they are offering a $1 million reward for information leading to his arrest and conviction. the police chief of the los angeles police department, charlie beck said it was remarkably easy to put together that much money from corporations, civic organizations, different cities in the area, police unions. here's what los angeles mayor and the police chief had to say. >> this is an act, and make no mistake about it, of domestic terrorism. this is a man who has targeted those that we entrust to protect the public. a society is defined by what it values, and we value our law
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enforcement family. >> our confidence that we will bring him to justice is unshaken. this search is not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. and i want christopher dorner to know that. the lapd disclosing -- you mentioned the grammys. they have added manpower to the grammys out of abundance of caution. also some more news coming out of the news conference. the identity of the riverside police officer who was killed, police say by dorner on thursday. they have disclosed that identity. mike crane. 34 years old. an 11-year veteran of riverside police department. he also served two tours in kuwait as a member of the united states marine corps.. he leaves behind a wife and two
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children. brianna? >> that will certainly be a sad event i know, the funeral set now for wednesday. casey wian in los angeles. thanks, casey. the snow is not melting in the blizzard-hit states of the northeast. squadrons of snowplows hitting the expressway in long island. expressway completely closed friday night when the snow really began to pile up. officials said they would reopen the expressway this hour actually. this is new haven, connecticut, the state that got the hardest wallop from the storm. some towns got more than 40 inches of snow in the span of just a few hours. at least five people died in connecticut in traffic accidents blamed on the sudden severe weather. governor dan malloy is speaking to reporters. we'll monitor it. details on that shortly. look how it was coming down in providence, rhode island.
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the governor is praising rhode islanders for following the 24-hour driving ban and making it easy for cleanup crews to get streets ready for tomorrow morning. that monday morning commute will be interesting around boston, no doubt. susan candiotti is in brook ts lin line. >> if you stood to the main streets it won't be a problem. this is what we're talking about around much of the rest of the city. the side streets are still in quasi good shape. the other streets are treacherous. the sun was out brilliantly today. it was melting a bit of the snow. but now that the temperatures are dipping down as the sun goes down it's just freezing up again. some of these streets can be treacherous to get around. we're seeing a lot of people slipping and sliding. then as you can see, some of the
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cars are still parked on the street. some are still wrapped up in snow. i don't know what it's going to take to move them out of the way. the city has been working very hard throughout sunday trying to clear the transit tracks to make sure they can get on a quasi normal schedule. buses will be running in part. things won't be completely back to normal for quite a while. logan international airport back open, however. that's a good sign. but the morning commute, they are forecasting freezing rain, brianna. and so that could obviously make things difficult. brianna? >> oh, that's the worst. that is not good news for a monday. but i'm looking at all that snow behind you. we see videos of the plow picking it up. where do they put all that snow. >> you're just seeing piles and piles of it around town. some of it to the side of parking lots. trying to clear those out so if you're driving to work you have someplace to put your car.
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of course there are garages. i don't know if they intend to pick it up or hope it will melt away. sometimes they do bring it to a central area. that is often the case. but it's not hard to spot the piles as you go around town. >> and they will have to do that, no doubt. it's not going to get warm enough for a while. >> right. >> can you tell us, schools in the area, are they going to be open tomorrow? >> no. they'll be closed. and so of course parents are left to wonder what they're going to do. they have opened some centers so that those who can go to work can take their children somewhere. there are some, for example, nursing homes in the state, eight of them, mainly in the southeastern section that still don't have power. so, for example, they are still delivering diesel fuel to them so they can keep going while they still have to deal with the power outages. throughout the region we're talking about maybe 240, more
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than that i think thousands of customers who remain in the dark. and they're working to get those back. most of those are in the state of massachusetts and mainly in the cape cod area. >> certainly we saw they were facing some of the lingering snow yesterday. susan candiotti in boston. thank you for that, susan. in the middle of a mardi gras celebration on bourbon street, bullets started flying. >> it was chaos. we were lucky to be high up. i saw people get trampled, pushed, kicked. >> four partygoers were sent to the hospital. and this is a live look at the red carpet in hollywood with the biggest names in the music industry arriving for the grammy awards. we will take you there live next.
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no word what caused a fire at an industrial gas plant in texas. a 30-year-old employee was killed, another worker seriously injured. the explosion happened yesterday at the air liquid center in suburban houston. mardi gras celebrations turned violent in new orleans with four people shot on famed bourbon street. witnesses described a chaotic scene with several people trampled while fleeing the scene. so far no arrests.
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arizona sheriff joe arpaio brought in steven segal to help train his posse to protect schools as he is calling it. they held a news conference after holding a simulated school shooting that included high school volunteers. segal will work with the volunteers to teach them han to hand combat and other skills to protect students. extra security has been added for tonight's grammy awards secelebration as police continue to hunt for suspected cop killer christopher dorner. is this affecting anything, nishelle or are people enjoying themselves and going about their normal busy for the grammys? >> you know, brianna, because this word just broke not too long ago it hasn't spread much. they are used to seeing a pretty intensive police presence here at the grammys.
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yes, there is even more of a presence now because of the manhunt for christopher dorner. we spoke with the los angeles police department. they did deploy were even more officers here than normal. they wouldn't really give any specifics about where these officers would be located or what they would be doing. they only said, yes, we put more officers there out of abundance of caution. it's only a good thing to make sure everyone is safe. you have some of the biggest stars in hollywood and music that are here at staples center tonight for the 55th annual grammy awards. i actually have one of the biggest stars are rap music with me, two chains. he's different. yeah, he's different. >> yeah. >> i tried to do a little bit of your song. that didn't go over too well. >> that's cool. karaoke. >> i'm going to leave it to the proves, you. you're nominated -- actually three nominations in total. you're nominated for collaborating with kanye west on
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his song mercy. >> definitely, man. i would like to thank kanye tore giving me the opportunity to get on that record. it did numerous things for me and my family. it has been fruitful that way. and my album being nominated was something i never expected in a million years. my first album. people might think it brings pressure but i'm excited about working on the second one. >> tell me this. there's been a lot of talk about rap music, lyrics, is it degrading. but you actually make fun rap music. you listen to your songs and you kind of laugh. >> i feel like my music is made for you to take your hair down, go on vacation without taking a trip. some people have stressful days. i don't want people to listen to my music and get pulled down. contrary to the lyrics, it's an expression and a way of entertaining people. >> congratulations. good luck. have a little fun. >> there you have it.
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two chains with his cape on, by the way. he's following the grammy rules don't. of course like you heard they put out a memo saying please cover. we don't want any wardrobe malfunctions on the red carpet or during the telecast. make sure you have double stick tape. >> we're seeing very interesting outfits starting to come out where celebrities are getting out of cars. we will check in to see what's happening in l.a. logon to on your laptop, ipad or any other device that you have and you can match music's biggest names and other stars arriving on the red carpet for the grammys. as president obama delivers his state of the union address in two days, a new republican star steps into the spotlight. is he really the gop savior as "time" magazine billed him? as he has been dubbed there?
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then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last.
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in america's longest war there's a new military leader u.s. marine general joseph dunford who took command of nato forces in afghanistan during a ceremony in kabul that you can see right here. the man that he took over from, general john allen, has been nominated to be the supreme allied commander. time to talk politics. senior writer for espn and anna is a republic strategist. earlier today i asked them about tuesday's upcoming state of the address. since the president odd about social issues i asked why we're being told about issues in tuesday's address. >> it was the big missing part of the inauguration speech.
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everybody noticed there was so very little on the economy. we need somebody to address them, require the president to talk about it and lay out a plan. so i think it makes sense for him to focus on the economy. some of these social issues are very divisive. i'm glad he will be speaking on the economy. i expect him to speak about gun control and speak about immigration. and some of the other issues. >> you think that was sort of glaringly missing from the inaugural address and that's part of the reason it's in the state of the union? >> well, i don't know if it was glaringly missing. it's to at least get it going in the direction we're headed in. the state of the union is the state of the country. and i think that is the place where you do want to try to avail bold programs that will take a little more concentration. you have to understand the
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inauguration is all about the celebration, the fact that he's been re-elected. a wink and nod to his con constituents and the 51% of the country that voted for him. now it's about the entire country. this is what we need for him to stay focused on because now is the time to do that. >> let me ask you about this. senator marco rubio will be giving the response to the state of the union. there is a lot riding on this. not just for his political future but also for the future of the republican party as they try to rebuild, try to right the ship if you will. what do you think of -- and he will see, ana, and i should preface it by saying you should give us some intel because i know you're tight with him. >> we are friends. look, i think the response to the state of the union is a great opportunity to be seen nationally. but it is also fraught with risk. if you screw up, everybody remembers. it will be on your owe pitch
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aware. the guy who messed up on the state of the union. now, i don't expect marco to mess up. he was one of the best orators today. he has a very good delivery. he embodies everything we need in the republican party today. youth, diversity, and he's able to articulate a vision for america, alternative vision for america with optimism. he embodies the american dream. he comes from very humble roots. but i also think it is the toughest gig in politics. you have to follow the president of the united states who just spoke with all pomp and circumstance and a full congressional well with supreme court judges in full robe and generals, ambassadors and full house of senators and congress people who stand up and give an ovation for scratching his nose. it is a tough gig, but i have faith that marco is going to do
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a good job with it. >> is he in jeopardy of having a bobby jindal moment do you think? >> it's interesting you bring him up. back in 2009, the country's response to him being elected was to put in michael steele as head and bobby jindal do the rebuttal. bobby was awful. michael was quickly run out. marco has to be very careful so he doesn't come across as another attempt to prove there's diversity to the gop. he has to prove himself to be a capable politician. not because he's latino but capable because he's capable. that to me is the tricky part. not to look like a token for the republican party but a force for the republican party. >> let's bring up the cover of "time" magazine. i want to get your response to this. he is dubbed as the republican
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savior. talk about having a lot riding on your shoulders. lz, do you think this is too much? >> well, you know, what he needs to do is remind people that he doesn't dictate what the headlines say. he doesn't even get to choose the photos they use on the cover. besides giving the interview, he has nothing to do with the image. i think he did a good job in terms of responding to that saying i have one savior, jesus christ. turning the focus back to what's important to him and then going about his business. >> we have seen him go out on a limb on the immigration issue. so i think he's doing things already. i don't like the expectations that are being built. i think he doesn't like them. you know, i think the use of the word savior or golden boy are not useful and i don't think they're done to try to help him. i think they're done to try to cause controversy. when people hear marco and hear
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his story he has a most compelling story to tell. >> 10:00 eastern democratic congressman of rhode island will join us to give us his thoughts on tuesday's state of the union and his effort to get them to give up their guest passes to victims of gun violence. guess what new hot career path there is for women? in a word, animals. here's cnn's tom foreman. >> nice cow. >> iowa state university is home to the oldest veterinary college in america. but stop by and in minutes you'll see the new face of the profession in students like jessica arnold. >> growing up i had a big interest in cats and dogs and horses. >> and katrina backaus. >> i have a lot of passion for this field and this career choice. >> women outnumber men 3-1 in many vet schools throughout the
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country. and in clinics as well. katie weigman. >> our class is 70% women, 30% men. >> a profession that was once almost entirely male and refused to even consider women for the job. >> this is actual there a heritage museum that goes through the history of veterinarian medicine. >> claire remembers being in a clear minority when her studies began more than 30 years ago. >> i was really fortunate. i had fantastic mentors. no one ever told me no. no one ever discouraged me. >> but you are the exception. >> right. >> many women are flooding many professional fields? why. some say this is promoting educational equality. some say it is simply because women are outperforming men in studies. some say it is a symptom of a broader societyal change. in any event at southern methodist university ann lincoln
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studied the phenomenal. she said men hold majorities in many work places for the moment. >> the wave is coming. this is happening in medicine and in law and to a lesser extent in dentistry. and certainly has already happened in veterinary medicine and pharmacy. >> that means economic recovery, future prosperity of the country may rest much more than many people realize in female hands. tom foreman, cnn, ames, iowa. if you like red carpet, tune in. we're live at the grammy awards with the biggest names in music as they arrive there at the show. ♪ good morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me
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♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ ♪ all set? all set. [ male announcer ] introducing the reimagined 2013 chevrolet traverse, with spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that.
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let's head straight to the grammys with l.l. cool j. how is it going? >> keep it within -- >> we're interrupting a conversation. >> they saw you, l.l., on cnn. brianna said we have the host of the grammys we have got to show l.l. >> okay. thank you very much. i appreciate that.
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>> we were just talking about the grammy dress code. i'm not sure these artists are going to adhere to the dress code. you think they may play ball. >> the reminder is good. because there are families watching. and, you know, this isn't the vegas version of the grammys. you know, it's not just, you know, the all male or all female review of the grammys. kids are watching. clean it up a little bit. remind them. if they want to come in in convertible dresses, so be it. at least we put it out there. >> we're getting close to show time. we know justin timberlake is performing. jay-z is silting with him. are they performing together? >> i can't confirm or deny. justin rehearsed by himself. >> he has a poker face. he's not letting anything go. >> i'm getting my gaga on right now. the poker face.
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>> let me talk about uncle l. i said i want to see uncle l on the stage showing young kids how it's done. you said, oh, i don't know. what about this year? >> this year i'm performing. >> you're performing? >> yeah. i have tom, travis barker, d.j.z and public enemy performing with me. we're doing a new song off my new album. people get a chance to hear what it's like when i get off the bench. they're putting me in the game. >> put him in, coach. he's ready to play. thank you, sir. have a good broadcast. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> all righty. thanks a lot. peace. >> you don't get much better than l.l. cool j. doesn't he look like benjamin button. he gets younger and younger. >> he looks exactly the same. it's important when you asked him if there might be a duet he didn't actually answer your
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question. as we know as reporters it's off just as important as what is said. >> i have heard, and the word on the street, is that could happen. and if i were a betting woman i would think it just may happen. the song is suit and tie. he's performing that song. and the song is a collaboration with jay-z. if you put two and two together you may not get five. >> i think you're onto something. we'll be checking back in with you at the grammys. but first this just in to cnn. we have confirmed that there is a tornado on the ground in hattiesburg, mississippi. this is in southern mississippi. terry steed from the emergency management district said there is damage. cnn weather team is working on the story. we will be bringing you more information as soon as we have it. of course we've been following other weather news. tomorrow's commute is going to be quite frankly a nightmare in
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the new england blizzard zone. but who can think about that when there's so much shredding to do, right? this is the important thing to do today. airborne right there. good job. every county in the state got a record amount of snowfall this weekend. cleanup crews in providence, hartford, boston, all working nonstop to get the roads ready for the commute tomorrow. $1 million reward for chris dorner. days of grouped and air searches in the san bernardino mountains have failed to pick up his trail. this is after his burning truck was found in the area on thursday. police are actually scaling back the search there. dorner is described by the police chief as a, "trained assassin." he is accused of killing three people over the past week, including a policeman. back now to entertainment news. it is less miseraberable like y
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have never seen it before. you can prevent gas with beano meltaways,
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or treat gas with these after you get it. now that's like sunblock before or sun burn cream later. oh, somebody out there's saying, now i get it! take beano before and there'll be no gas.
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a massacre during a cattle drive has left 100 dead and hundreds others missing. 14 government troops who were protecting the herders are among the dead. the two ethnic groups have been battling over grazing and water rights. victims crushed after someone fell from a platform dead. they are flocking to the banks of the river for the largest religious gathering which occurs every 12 years. a safety drill on a cruise
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ship went tragically wrong in spain killing five crew mechanics. cables snapped on a life boat causing it to plunge 65 feet, landing upside-down. three more hurt. this happened while it was docked at the port of la palma in spain. a much lighter story, something we could not keep to ourselves. it's a got-to-see web video that parodies les miserables from beyond our borders. guess you won't guess where it's from. ♪ >> that's right. south korea. and it features a talent -- the talent of actual south korean air force members. i'm going to bring in cnn international editor. what in the world? this is a funny thing.
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actually quite well done, i will say. >> absolutely, brianna. it's not going to win an oscar any time soon. however, i have to say this has become the newest south korean youtube sensation. nearly 3 million clicks and views. they can't wait to see it. they're not professional actors. they're not -- they are army servicemen who are re-enacting this version of les miserables when they are calling les militarables. the whole story line focuses on one airman's desire to stop shoveling snow so he can go back and see his girlfriend. they don't see their family or friends. so let's take a look at some of the footage here. ♪
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♪ ♪ so that's better cinemagraphy than the iphone videos you're seeing on the internet. why did they do the this? it's paid for by the air force. >> that's correct. it was posted on their website. then it just blew up on youtube more or less. but this whole production, believe it or not, was filmed in three days. three entire days. that's it. but they spent a month practicing. we saw a clip here but the
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entire video is 13 minutes long. why they did it is to boost morale. they said it's not that bad being in the army in south korea. >> sort of tongue in cheek there. such a sob story in a way to increase morale but pretty funny and well done. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. extra security in hollywood tonight for the big music night live look at the grammy awards. police are using extra precaution says as the manhunt for the accused cop killer continues in the area. k, from food particles and bacteria. try fixodent. it helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it.
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let's give them something to talk about, why don't we. let's go to the grammys where nishelle turner has bonnie rait. >> we have a music legend with us right here. we need to offer congratulations because you just won a grammy in the pretelecast. you are already a winner. >> so surprised. i wasn't expecting it. these dimples are plastered for the rest of the night. >> americana album, 10th grammy. >> yes. i'm very proud. >> you're still making great music. >> we are having a great year. we went on our own independent label. >> with being in this business for so long and seeing the way music has changed, what do you
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think is going on now? is there a resurgence to making just really good music? is the autotuning and stuff going away? are people just singing again? >> electronica, bands that are experimental. crossovers between jazz, pop music. and kids are able to research if they like someone they can go back and see who prince liked and who that guy liked and back on youtube. i barely get any sleep watching all that stuff late at night. and i think there's a really return to roots music. there always has been focus of good singing of songs. look at adele. there's something about a great lyric and great singer and great melody that will always stand the test. >> if you had to pass the torch who do you think is doing it? is it adele? >> brittany howard with alabama
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shakes. doing the bruce springsteen song. alicia keys benefit in december. we got to sing the sam and dave duet. there's a whole bunch of instrument al lifts coming up with incredible funky voices. melody, liz wright. fantastic artists that i'm listening to that i love. >> i remember the duet you did at last year's grammys with alicia. that was so beautiful. a lot of girl power. >> and we did i can't make you love me together at her benefit. that was beautiful. >> congratulations again. good luck to you. >> thanks for being here. have a great night. >> brianna has one of my all time favorite songs, i don't make you love me. i don't know a person or woman who doesn't still get touched by it. >> i love that.
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so glad you snagged her on the red carpet. we'll check back in on the 5 a grammy awards. we're having a busy evening here at cnn. we're also keeping an eye on a report -- confirmed report of a tornado that was on the ground in southern mississippi. there is damage reported. the cnn weather center folks are work to go get details on this and sort out just how much damage there is. we'll be bringing that to you next.
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we're following some severe weather in the south. where is this, tom? >> it stretches a number of states. this is the second system after getting dumped on in the generational storm, the heaviest snow in a generation in the northeast, this is number two. this one comes with severe weather. we have reports now, damage in
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the mat hattiesburg, mississippi area. from the afternoon hours into the early period, we have tornado watches in effect. you can see significant lightning. the rain has moved in atlanta, but the severe weather with the tornadoes back in areas of southwest alabama into southern and central areas of mississippi. if we can get in closer you will see what we're talking about. in fact, as far as the models are going, we'll see if -- here we go. we'll bring this up for you and get an idea of the tornado watches. the watch box is in effect only for a short period of time. let me run through some counties for you that we do have warnings. in southwest alabama it's chak tau, clark county, washington counties until 6:00 and that's central standard time. then in forest county and joane county in mississippi. damage has been reported. we have received a few pictures. we're trying to get the clearance and we'll show those to you soon. it looks like we had a funnel that made it down, touched the
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ground to become a tornado. we've had numerous warnings already earlier in the afternoon period into the early evening and those were in advance of the system, but as this entire system slides, this is what we're starting to see. now, these are pictures we're seeing for first time here and for the most part, yes, maybe a picture of a funnel in this photo. if we take a look at a few more. coming down. that's without a doubt a tornado. again, these are had the hattiesburg, mississippi, area. these storms have been moving to the east-northeast at 40 miles per hour. reports even up to near 45 to 50. now, this is just one particular cell. there have been several in the area that are moving across this region. get a close look. there's some of the pictures we can see. our affiliate here is live on the air. we're getting reports of two inches of rain per hour with this. the same system is going to continue to affect this area
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into the evening period and overnight. we're going to continue to have the watches. the one in mississippi will come to an end shortly. they will be extended throughout central and eastern parts of alabama and most likely into georgia. the same system will bring some rain to the heavy snow we had in areas in the northeast and that will be a flood concern in the ours ahead or days ahead. we'll keep an eye on this for you. this is all happening in the last several minutes and we'll keep you posted. >> is alarming to you and it's so close to what looks like a supermarket. >> we're getting into darkness now and that's the frightening period for many who live down there for the overnight period. >> we'll be checking in with you i'm sure, and also a story ahead that tom, you may actually like. a super bowl is that more like an ice bowl. might keep you busy in time next year. and it's time for pitchers and catchers to report to spring training, but could the excitement be overshadowed by allegations that a-rod was involve wd a performance
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enhancing drug ring? we'll talk about that next. this is america. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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you are in the cnn "newsroom." i'm brianna keilar in for don lemon. let's get you up to speed on the story it's making news this hour. i should tell you we are first going to be following some breaking news, severe weather that we're following in the south. tom, this is really alarming. we have seen a photo of a funnel cloud on the ground in
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hattiesburg. >> we're learning this all in the last minute. we knew there was going to be severe weather. we've been watching the second system now that moves eastward. the first one, of course, the record snow up in the northeast. this one stretches from the deep south to the canadian border. we knew there was severe weather. tornado watches were placed in effect hours ago, and now wire starting to see warnings that were occurring a few hours ago but now they're producing images like this. this coming into our newsroom moments ago. we actually have three photographs. this is in hattiesburg, mississippi, area. easily you can detect that, it's a tornado, and it goes hand in hand with our doppler radar i am imagines and what the national weather service is telling us. forest county and jones county in mississippi, these storms are moving to the east-northeast a good 40, 45 miles per hour. you're under a tornado warning. it's in southwest alabama, choctaw county, clark county, washington county. we have as many as four warnings. previous hour or two we have


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